
Epic Games Announces $10 Million Fortnite Esports Tournament

Epic Games Announces $10 Million Fortnite Esports Tournament

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Epic games recently shared some good news with us via Twitter: “The weather may be cooling down, but the battle is heating up. Fall Skirmish starts soon, with $10,000,000 awarded across 6 weeks. Stay tuned for major details dropping later this week!” Epic Games began their $100 million Fortnite esports tournament season with the Summer […]

Fortnite Tutors?

Fortnite Tutors?

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According to a new WSJ article; parents are paying Fortnite “professionals” an average of $35 an hour to teach their child Fortnite skills. One website that sources “Fortnite tutors” says it has found jobs for over 1,800 Fortnite pros/tutors. The full article can be read here with a WSJ subscription: Do you wish your parents […]

Fornite’s $100 Million Esports League

Fornite’s $100 Million Esports League

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  Fortnite creator Epic Games has announced they will be putting $100 million USD towards their eSports prize pool. A statement from their blog made it clear they will be doing this much differently than Blizzard’s ever popular Overwatch league. “This is for you, the players. Qualifications for the Fortnite World Cup will be based on […]

Fortnite Makes a Billion!

Fortnite Makes a Billion!

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Happy 1st Birthday Fortnite! Game designer Epic Games propelled Fortnite, the hugely mainstream multi-player online survival amusement that has overwhelmed the gaming scene. With 125 million players and over $1 billion in income, so far. To enable players to commend its one-year breakthrough, Fortnite’s designers disclosed some birthday-themed changes to the Battle Royale mode on […]